Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Best. Pasta. Ever. (in Illinois perhaps)

Dan and i were out a-wadering this past weekend on the far far northwest side of Chicago (exactly 8 miles west of our apartment). We were "the bridal district", where the ratio of ugly dresses to humans is roughly 1:1. Anyhow, we stopped in at Pasta Fresh, a simple tiny storefront with a cold case filled with pasta. For dinner, we each ate a pound of ravioli. It was awesome! My favorite was the asparagus filled, and we also had artichoke (which, although tasty, was a bit mild to stand up to marinara). Anyhow, it was spectacular! Worth an hour long bus ride both ways? Probably not. But with an impeding i-GO membership and a number of dress fittings in the bridal district, we are sure to have a lot more Pasta Fresh in our future! Though we are a little puzzled about the name. The shop is located in a strip mall called "Piazza Italia", why not go for "Pasta fresca"?